CineStill BwXX 35mm is a classic, panchromatic B&W negative film for both outdoor and studio use. It has a variable base sensitivity of ISO 250 under daylight (5500K) and ISO 200 under tungsten lighting (3200K), and can be rated up to ISO 1600 with the appropriate processing compensation (push-processing).
Ideal for low light situations, this film delivers rich blacks, a broad tonal range, high sharpness, and a fine grain structure. It is an excellent choice for those looking for a classic, cinematic B&W film stock.
- Black and white negative film
- Variable speed (ISO 200-800)
- 35mm/36 exp.
- Classic cinematic look
- Rich tonality
- Excellent sharpness
- Acetate base
- Factory spooled, DX-coded steel cassettes